Venue and Subway Shows

Friday, September 20th - Crescent & Vine (25-01 Ditmars 11pm)

Tuesday, September 24th - Herald Square (34th Street) 6-9pm

Tuesday, October 1st - Herald Square (34th Street) 6-9pm

Tuesday, October 8th - Union Square (14th Street) 6-9pm

Saturday, October 12th - Herald Square (34th Street) 12-3pm

Friday, October 25th - Crescent & Vine (25-01 Ditmars 11pm)

For all up-to-date show info, please go to our Facebook page.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Hunky Firemen and Kittens in Teacups

Welcome Raptorians to 2013, the year dinosaur cloning is finally realized! We're here to kick off this riotous year with an EPIC show that you need to go to: You Bred Raptors? at the Mercury Lounge on Wed. January 9th at 9pm. We'll be playing with our friends, Reserved for Rondee, and can guarantee you'll want to take a break from baking brownies in your Easy Bake Oven to come watch us blow your minds on stage. Grab your tickets quick because this event will SELL OUT! For tickets click here:

Did we mention we are releasing our brand new Hammond cassette at this show? That's right, you can get your favorite album, plus AN UNRELEASED BONUS TRACK, on this limited edition cassette. These are collector's edition tapes, so if you need everything YBR? come out to the show and snag one! Seriously, there's only about 50 of these suckers.

Unfortunately, Walkmans are sold separately.

We Raptors have been working like mad men (well, let's be honest, we "ARE" mad men) on new songs for your listening pleasure. There are so many different styles that we are experimenting with and tons of new influences, you're definitely going to enjoy these newly crafted sounds at our upcoming shows. 

The most important thing we find in creating music is to make sure we are well fed, which is why we always order food from our favorite Greek restaurant while we're writing. Often times, Bryan (I) will eat too much, question why he (I) just ate so much, and precipitously fall into a post food coma. Zach and Peat are then forced to carry him (me) downstairs, thrust the cello in his (my) hands, and yell at him (me) and tell him (me) to 'be a person' before he (I) starts playing again. 

Stay tuned for more news from your favorite dinosaur scientist musicians. We've got loads of great stuff coming at you this year!

Speaking of which, check out our new song "Moonshine". Ding dong dang. 
~Bryan and the rest of You Bred Raptors?

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